
Divergence in the Process of Development across Nations: Introspection

Economic growth becomes meaningless if it is not inclusive in nature and does not benefit greater sections of the people in any society. In this paper, we shall consider the following factors to analyze the process of convergence or divergence in economic growth and development across several groups of economies:
(i) Pattern of convergence in the process of economic growth during 1960-2021;
(ii) Inequality in income distribution both in terms of ‘international’ and ‘global’ inequalities
(iii) Inequality in health, nutrition and educational outcomes
(iv) Disparity arising out of climatic change across nations.

SHGs: The Underdogs enabling India’s Economic Recovery by Abhishek Banerjee - Global Peter Drucker Forum BLOG

This was my winning entry for the Drucker Challenge 2023. I was the youngest Indian to be awarded the prize.

India made a strong post-pandemic recovery, leapfrogging the UK to become the fifth largest economy in the world.1 This essay delves into the role that Self-Help Groups (SHGs) based in India played in achieving this remarkable turn-around. The unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic required a major reassessment of existing management principles and strategies.

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